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The Sinus Diaries...

My chronic sinusitis...

This little blog doesn't have a huge connection to my voice overs and acting...but on the other hand it also does because it's all about my tools being in the right nick for the job!

I think it all started when I was about 8 or 9 and I was walking through the school hall and a much taller boy than me ran his chin into my nose! Since then my nose has never quite been the same...

To be fair, I could write a list of a few things going on in my body!...

Aside from chronic sinusitis/rhinitis, I also have IBS(or so they say because no doctor has been able to diagnose my inexplicable problems associated with my digestive system, lazy way out I say!) Apart from the extreme bloating and struggles of being able to lose weight (despite eating like a rabbit 99% of the time and working out 4 to 5 times a week) nothing seems to shift on my stomach. Well I say nothing, but there is some form of shifting going on I'll tell you that much! Oh the joys of bringing your phone into the bathroom with you just incase you don't make it out for a while! You hear me right my fellow "IBSers"??

Asthma and allergies, although mild, have been the root of a lot of my sinus issues since the age of 4.

Knees, don't get me started on the ole crickety, arthritic, torn ligament, surgery-needing crunchy knees!!

Anyways back to the sinuses. You could probably say I have covid symptoms all day every day because I can rarely smell and I get so exhausted from the extra energy it takes to breathe(or try to breathe!)

Nose spray after nose spray and nothing will work. Scan after scan and now the waiting game for my next op! They say they're going to remove some inflammation to make space for my airways. I'll have to smell it to believe it but I'm praying for some form of relief and it would be pretty awesome not to have post nasal drip all day every day!

The headaches, oooh the headaches! So strong for the past week, I think my sinuses are telling me they have had just about enough already. Then come the nose bleeds, they also are not fun. I need my ears, nose and throat for my work so I'll do anything to make sure they are on the right track...

Let's not forget the mind. My mind was taken out of my own control some time ago but it isn't what defines me and the outcome has made me stronger. With the most incredible family and friends that a girl could wish for, I have all the councellors in the world I could possibly need and want, aswell as being my own one!

Reader, I hope you're taking my blog with a pinch of salt and know that I'm not out for any form of sympathy cause I allow myself that daily. Just hoping that I can make someone else going through the same things feel like they're not alone.

That's enough rambling for one day but I'll report back with anything else I can think of and also some new topics. If anyone has any tips and tricks to relieve the pain in the ole sinuses then I'd be so grateful 🙏♥️

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